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Story Articles Contest
Claxton 2: The Curse of Poseidon


The Octopus Man is growing stronger, and so is Tracey. Makenna must find her way to the Bermuda Triangle, in order to protect the Human and Fairy Worlds, before the young apprentice becomes the claxton he is destined to be.                                                                                               ***Makenna and Tracey are back in an all-new, undersea adventure!Ever since Makenna Delling's discovered she is a Metamorphic Fairy, nothing in her life has been simple. Having just finished her sophomore year of high school, she and Tracey must now travel to the undersea city of Atlantis, if they have any hope to stop Tracey from falling victim to his own power... the power of the claxton.Ash, a Wizard Fairy, is on a secret mission from Coutarine Island to help them. However, the Octopus Man is still active, and he still vows to drag Tracey to the Bermuda Triangle. Because of this, Ash must teach Makenna and Tracey Special Spells-spells that will help them win their battle against the Octopus Man. It is now even more crucial that Makenna becomes a Merfairy Metamorphic Fairy.The Human and Magic Worlds are colliding, in an event that is very similar to something that happened seventeen years ago. What does this event have to do with Makenna, Tracey, and Ash? How will the teens reach Atlantis without the Kraken destroying them before they can even confront the Octopus Man?Most importantly, will Makenna ever find her long-lost family member?

The Silent Witnesses

【Handsome straight cop/Mixed-race metrosexual forensic pathologist】

They are working together to solve a series of strange cases!

Every serious case tells a story of life and death, laughter and tears,

all awaiting your investigation...

Free Web Version - Quick Links to Split Volumes

🔗【VOL. 1 Top Secret】A pregnant prostitute is found dead in a sub-divided unit of Room 7C of Choi Fung Building. Why are there so many suspects?

🔗【VOL. 2 Twelve Old Men】Twelve old men living alone in the Eastern District commit suicide with a smile on their faces, but the forensic pathologist cannot find anything suspicious in their autopsies.

🔗【VOL. 3 A False Step】Five missing people die on the same day, all showing signs of frostbite. But early spring in Heticity is not that cold!

🔗【VOL. 4 Criminal Minds】The clinical psychologist in the police force seems to have a secret...

🔗【VOL. 5 Bog Body】A rare bog body is found in an old well, marking an important discovery of a mysterious case.

🔗【VOL. 6 The Silent Outcry】An internet celebrity died of throat slit in a hotel. The Serious Crimes Unit solves the case swiftly, but somehow there is something fishy about it.

🔗【VOL. 7 Buried Bones】Thirty years ago, there was not enough evidence to prosecute the suspect for murdering his pregnant wife. Is there any hope of solving the case now?

🔗【VOL. 8 The Goddess of Vengeance】Extra! A rare late autumn typhoon attacked Heticity together with a killer posing as the judge and the "Goddess of Vengeance".

🔗【VOL. 9 The Rainy Night Butcher】The door to the sealed memories gradually opens in a rainy night.

🔗【VOL. 10 Going "Potty"】A series of cases occur, all seemingly related to an odd work of art.

🔗【VOL. 11 The Phantom Rapist】A rapist escapes from a lift leaving no trace. Can he be brought to justice by forensic science?

🔗【VOL. 12 Broken But Fearless】The G.O.A.T. of "Kingdom of Fantasy" vanishes just before his final match before retirement. All that is left is a bloody, broken hand.

🔗【VOL. 13 The Shattered Corpses】The dismembered bodies of an old couple comes as a great shock. Yet it cannot be ascertained which suspect is responsible for the murder.

🔗【VOL. 14 A Lifelong Conviction】Broken body parts from different deceased bodies are sewn up as one. Lying behind are the dark secrets waiting to be spoken out by those silent witnesses.

* Translated from Chinese. For the work in the original language, please visit https://www.penana.com/story/91119/.

* Explore more in The Art of The Silent Witnesses (including fan arts)(Chinese version)

* Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. Please do not commit crimes or imitate any dangerous acts in the story.

* If you like this piece of work, don't forget to comment, like and share!

Update every Sunday at 23:00 (UTC +8)

Unveiling Nuances in Contemporary Issues

In the contemporary world, discussions about race and social dynamics often stir strong emotions and differing viewpoints. One prevalent belief posits that black individuals today perceive oppression in everything, fueled by anger and a sense of entitlement stemming from historical slavery. As Martin Luther King Jr. famously proclaimed, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." King's vision remains a powerful beacon, emphasizing the importance of character over racial distinctions. While acknowledging the shared history of enslavement, it is essential to recognize that diverse communities have faced oppression throughout history, not just one racial or ethnic group. It is crucial to understand that the fight against oppression and discrimination should be a collective effort, involving all individuals regardless of their racial or ethnic background. By recognizing the universal nature of oppression, we can work towards creating a society where everyone is judged based on their character and not on the color of their skin. Speaking out against racism, regardless of one's race, can be a powerful act of solidarity and unity. It is important to remember that oppression and discrimination are not limited to race. Many other groups can be targets of oppression, such as women, LGBTQ individuals, and people with disabilities. By standing in solidarity with all of these groups, we can create a society that is more equitable and just for everyone. This is akin to a jigsaw puzzle, where each piece needs to be in place for the whole to be completed. Similarly, by standing in solidarity with all marginalized groups, we can create a more just and equitable society for everyone. Each piece is equally important and needs to be present for the picture to be complete. I want to talk about Prop. 47, a controversial piece of legislation that has been criticized for its effectiveness in reducing penalties for certain non-violent offenses, leading to decreased incarceration rates for low-level crimes. It has also allowed thousands of individuals with prior felony convictions to have their prior convictions reclassified as misdemeanors, enabling better opportunities for reintegration. The legislation has also led to significant cost savings for the criminal justice system, allowing resources to be redirected to rehabilitation and crime prevention efforts. It has also allowed individuals with prior felony convictions to access housing, employment, and education opportunities previously restricted. The initiative has also addressed racial and social disparities in the criminal justice system by reducing harsh penalties disproportionately affecting minority and low-income communities. However, critics argue that Prop 47 has contributed to an increase in property crimes and drug-related offenses, reduced the deterrent effect on crime, resulted in the early release of individuals with serious criminal histories, and has not effectively reinvested the cost savings in rehabilitation and crime prevention efforts. Some individuals hold the view that the media contributes to racial tensions by highlighting incidents where black individuals are harmed by police officers, which could potentially distort the overall picture. However, this perspective fails to recognize the genuine concerns regarding police brutality and the importance of transparency in law enforcement. It is critical to acknowledge the media's vital role in drawing attention to systemic issues and sparking conversations about racial inequality. By shedding light on incidents of police brutality, the media can catalyze change and ensure accountability within the law enforcement system. Striking a balance between highlighting these concerns and promoting impartial reporting is essential to ensuring an accurate representation of the situation. Accurate reporting on incidents of police brutality by the media can create awareness and understanding among the general public, leading to an informed and engaged society that can pressure reform and hold police officers accountable for their actions. Conversely, biased or sensationalized media coverage can lead to a distorted view of the issue and hinder meaningful conversations about creating solutions. As Tolstoy famously wrote, "Power is the total of the wills of the mass, transferred by express or tacit agreement to rulers chosen by the masses." Education plays a pivotal role in creating a more informed and empowered society. As Malcolm X once said, "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." Malcolm X's emphasis on education as a means of empowerment aligns with the essay's call for education on local laws and police procedures to navigate contemporary challenges. Offering classes on local laws and police procedures could empower individuals to handle interactions with law enforcement more effectively. By equipping individuals with knowledge about their rights and the proper procedures to follow, they can make informed decisions and advocate for themselves in a fair and just manner. Additionally, educating the public on local laws and police procedures can foster trust and understanding between communities and law enforcement, ultimately leading to improved relationships and safer neighborhoods. People who understand their rights are more likely to feel respected and empowered, which can lead to a decrease in anger and aggression from individuals in conflict with law enforcement. Moreover, by educating the public on local laws and police procedures, people can be better informed and less likely to make mistakes that can lead to misunderstandings and the escalation of conflict. The influence of social media, particularly Twitter, is also examined, with concerns raised about the dissemination of misleading information through selectively shared videos lacking context. While media literacy is crucial, it is equally important to appreciate that social media platforms can be tools for awareness and advocacy when used responsibly. Plato's wisdom resounds through the ages: "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." Plato's words underscore the necessity of confronting uncomfortable truths and seeking knowledge to dispel ignorance, mirroring the call for media literacy and objective awareness. In today's digital age, where information spreads rapidly and widely, individuals need to develop critical thinking skills and evaluate the credibility of sources. By promoting media literacy, society can empower individuals to discern between reliable information and misleading content. This not only helps combat the dissemination of false narratives but also encourages the responsible use of social media platforms as tools for education and positive change. This is similar to teaching someone how to use a knife, which is an important skill but one that needs to be taught with safety in mind. While it is essential to learn how to use a knife properly, it is also important to be aware of the potential risks associated with doing so. Similarly, with media literacy, it is important to learn how to evaluate the credibility of sources, but it is also important to be aware of the potential risks associated with doing so. I dislike it when people use rap or rock music to justify their behavior. I mean, a kid may aspire to be like someone they admire, but that doesn't mean rap music turns them into gangsters. I also don't like it when black people look to black rappers for money to build a new school or something. I mean, some rappers. Rappers like J. Cole, Chance the Rapper, and Kendrick Lamar have shown their community service by supporting charitable causes and actively engaging in philanthropy. Black celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, LeBron James, and Beyoncé have also made significant contributions to their communities, establishing foundations and organizations dedicated to uplifting underserved communities. Their efforts demonstrate how influential figures can use their platforms for positive change. It's important to recognize that music is an art form that can express a wide range of emotions and experiences. Just because someone enjoys rap or rock music doesn't automatically define their behavior or values. Music has the power to connect people from different backgrounds and cultures, fostering empathy and understanding. It is crucial to appreciate the diversity of musical preferences and not make assumptions about individuals based solely on their musical taste. Ultimately, it is our actions and choices that define our behavior and values, not the type of music we enjoy. Additionally, it's crucial not to generalize the actions of a few individuals to an entire community. Many artists, regardless of their race, use their platforms to give back and make positive contributions to society. I don't like it when people always tell rich people to do charity. It is important to recognize that wealth does not automatically equate to a moral obligation to give back. While some individuals may have the means to contribute financially, it is not fair or productive to place the burden of solving societal issues solely on the shoulders of the wealthy. Encouraging a culture of empathy and collective responsibility can inspire people from all walks of life to contribute in meaningful ways, regardless of their financial status. I don't like when people say that during COVID-19, the government was controlling people to stay inside and manipulating people to wear masks in business, and that's a perfect example of the government controlling the people and that the government should be smaller. However, it is important to recognize that during a global pandemic, governments play a crucial role in implementing measures to protect public health and ensure the safety of their citizens. While some may perceive these actions as controlling, they are necessary for the greater good and should not be seen as an opportunity to advocate for a smaller government. It is essential to strike a balance between individual freedoms and collective responsibility to effectively address societal challenges.Historical corruption, lack of transparency, perceptions of money and special interests, broken promises, inequality, favoritism in policies, government surveillance, ineffective response to crises, and political gridlock affect trust in the government.Furthermore, it is affected by politicians' perceived lack of empathy for ordinary citizens, political gridlock, media bias, overreach, and abuse of power.Consequently, citizens feel powerless and frustrated by the government, which contributes to a lack of trust in government.As a result, they feel that their voices are not heard and that their concerns are not being addressed.Therefore, they stop believing in the government, which negatively impacts the public's trust in the government as a whole.The government's ability to regulate social issues, address climate change and environmental concerns, and respond to military interventions is influenced by factors such as secrecy and lack of transparency. Government involvement in education and curriculum decisions, accountability to the people, and unethical behavior all contribute to public distrust.It is further exacerbated by instances of corruption and scandals involving high-ranking officials that have led to public distrust of the government.Public trust in the government's ability to act in the public's best interests and uphold ethical standards is undermined by these incidents. A lack of trust in the government's commitment to fair and equitable policies can also be attributed to economic inequality and the perception of favoritism towards special interests.In contrast, some argue that the government's ability to promote public trust and confidence in itself is limited by its being composed of individuals, and individuals are inherently flawed.The public should recognize that mistakes will be made and the government should not be held to a higher standard than private individuals.As with a ship sailing across the ocean, there will be storms, rocks, and other obstacles that may damage the vessel, but the captain should not be held responsible for all of them.It is more appropriate to hold the captain responsible for steering the vessel in the right direction, as well as acknowledging and correcting any errors made along the way. According to Grover Cleveland, "While the people support the government, the government should not support the people.Ultimately, it is up to the captain and the crew to navigate the ship in the right direction and for the government to assist when needed. I don't like Osama bin Laden sympathizers or anyone who supports acts of terrorism. It's important to condemn and reject any form of violence or harm inflicted on innocent people. Promoting peace and understanding should be our collective goal, regardless of our individual beliefs or backgrounds. Ending homelessness is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. Strategies include increasing the availability of affordable housing, adopting a "Housing First" model, offering supportive services, implementing prevention and early intervention programs, collaborating with governments, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and communities, providing education and employment support, raising public awareness about homelessness, and conducting regular data and assessments. Affordable housing is crucial, and governments, nonprofits, and private sector partners should invest in building or renovating units to ensure reasonable rent costs. The Housing First approach prioritizes providing stable housing as the initial step in addressing underlying issues like mental health, substance abuse, or unemployment. Supportive services like mental health care, substance abuse treatment, job training, and case management are essential for helping homeless individuals rebuild their lives. Collaboration among governments, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and communities is crucial for pooling resources and implementing comprehensive solutions. Moving on, my opinion on whether a woman should be allowed to abort her child is that if the woman in question is poor, if the baby is killing her, and if she was taken advantage of by someone, yes, but if she had the child willing and could take care of the baby, no, and if she still doesn't want the child, then adoption or foster care. I'd like to discuss gender identity and the importance of pronoun respect. The term "sis" is used by transgender people to refer to women. There is something I dislike about the way American society has evolved into a place where people must respect one another's feelings. Today, people don't even know what a woman is. A woman is an adult female. Females have two x chromosomes. Why is that so hard for people? Guys just need to say they identify as women, and there is a woman. Some of them don't get any surgery done or shave their bread; it's like they don't put in any effort, whatever, and they are the ones who get mad when they are of the wrong gender. Transgender individuals in Canada are required to use their preferred pronouns. It's a violation of freedom of speech. People should be able to refer to others in whatever way they want, regardless of gender identity. Recognizing these concerns does not negate the fact that people's perspectives on this issue differ. It is critical to engage in open and respectful conversations that allow for the exploration of various points of view, ultimately leading to a more inclusive and equitable society for all. In the wider context of global affairs, the discussion pertains to the issue of modern-day slavery that still exists in Africa and other regions. While acknowledging the existence of racism, it is imperative to take a broader perspective that recognizes various forms of injustice worldwide. By broadening our outlook, we can address not only racism but also other systemic issues such as poverty, inequality, and discrimination that contribute to the persistence of modern-day slavery. It is essential to advocate for comprehensive solutions that address these interconnected issues on a global scale, promoting justice and equality for all people, regardless of race or nationality. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are an important step toward eradicating poverty and hunger, reducing inequality, and promoting equal rights and opportunities for all by 2030. Finally, it is necessary to take an objective approach and encourage people to approach complex issues with an open mind. Ending homelessness is a long-term goal that will necessitate sustained effort, resources, and commitment to address both the symptoms and underlying causes of homelessness to create long-term solutions. Some argue, however, that ending homelessness is impossible. They emphasize that homelessness is a complex issue caused by several factors, including poverty, mental illness, and substance abuse. They also argue that because homelessness is such a complex issue, it is impossible to develop a long-term solution that addresses all of the contributing factors. While it is true that homelessness is a complex issue, this does not preclude its resolution. Many cities have had success in combating homelessness by developing comprehensive plans that address all contributing factors. For example, the city of Seattle has developed a comprehensive plan that includes affordable housing, job training, and support services for the homeless. It is critical to acknowledge any society's flaws while asserting that, despite its flaws, America represents a constant pursuit of improvement. To bridge divides and foster a more inclusive society, collective efforts toward understanding, empathy, and objective discourse are ultimately required. Advocate for comprehensive solutions that tackle these interconnected problems on a global scale, promoting justice and equality for all individuals, irrespective of their race or nationality. The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a significant step towards eradicating poverty and hunger, reducing inequality, and promoting equal rights and opportunities for all by 2030. In conclusion, it is necessary to adopt an objective approach and urge individuals to approach complex issues with an open mind. Ending homelessness is a long-term goal that requires sustained effort, resources, and commitment, addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes of homelessness to create lasting solutions. However, some people argue that it is impossible to end homelessness. They point to the fact that homelessness is a complex problem that is caused by a variety of factors, including poverty, mental illness, and substance abuse. They also argue that because homelessness is such a complex problem, it is impossible to create a lasting solution that will effectively address all the contributing factors. While it may be true that homelessness is a complex problem, this does not mean that it is impossible to solve it. Many cities have seen success in addressing homelessness by creating comprehensive plans that address all the contributing factors. For example, the city of Seattle has created a comprehensive plan that includes creating affordable housing, providing job training, and creating support services for homeless people. It is important to acknowledge the imperfections of any society while asserting that, despite its flaws, America represents a continuous pursuit of improvement. Ultimately, collective efforts toward understanding, empathy, and objective discourse are essential to bridge divides and foster a more inclusive society.


Evelune è una ragazza rimasta orfana di entrambi i genitori, con un unico oggetto che la lega al proprio passato: un ciondolo. Trascorre le sue giornate nella biblioteca in cui lavora, sommersa dai suoi unici amici, i libri.Lì nessuno la giudica, né la fa sentire inferiore o sbagliata. Al riparo da occhi indiscreti può anche abbassare la guardia e permettersi di essere finalmente sé stessa.Ormai rassegnata a trascorrere una vita solitaria e perennemente nell'ombra, l'unica cosa che la spinge ad andare avanti è solo la speranza di conoscere, un giorno, la verità su i suoi genitori potendo così rendere loro giustizia.L'unico a sostenerla in tutto e per tutto è Simon, il suo migliore amico. Lui sa bene quanto Evelune sia rara, almeno tanto quanto il suo dono. Solo lui sa del suo segreto e decide di non svelarlo neanche quando spediti nel luogo di nascita di lei, si ritrovano in un altro mondo a lottare per dover sopravvivere. Lui veglia su di lei, proteggendola dalle minacce esterne oltre che da sé stessa, ma una svista cambia le carte in tavola.Nel viaggio intrapreso per ripristinare la pace fra i due regni, Evelune e Simon sono accompagnati da Allanach, il vecchio saggio, e Arden, il cavaliere tormentato dai demoni del suo passato.Quel giovane uomo dagli occhi color del ghiaccio spinge Evelune oltre i suoi limiti, facendole vacillare le sue già misere certezze e portandola a dubitare anche di sé stessa. Lei ormai sa di non poter tornare più indietro, così l'unica cosa che le resta da fare è scoprire la verità da sola, anche a costo della sua stessa vita.

Short Story
The Legacy of Greyleaf: Stories from Kyoguild

Set in the continent of Quinloch, which consists of two pieces of land within a body of water that was once five lakes with land dividing them. Now; it is one mass of water with two islands in the center. These countries are: Kyoguild, built atop an ancient underground dwarven colony dedicated to finding magical crystals; now, a fierce elven country up in arms to kill all vampires.

And Belden, south-west of the neighboring island and the land of humans. While others live there, humans make up a majority of the population. This country is grounded in tradition and honor. Every year, once the first child of the monarch turns 20. This country holds the Sol-Quinloch Featival, this event is entirely centered around the Fight of the Crown where the heir must challenge the ruler to a non-lethal duel. The winner becomes or continues to be ruler of Belden.

This is a series of short stories, each about a different person who has been hurt and/or effected by the tyrannical and delusional Elven King; Kyoga Greyleaf.

These short stories are part of the larger The Legacy of Greyleaf story. Currently there is a proof of concept for the story made in RPG maker MV on GameJolt. I have taken a stop to the RPG maker project to focus on writing “The Legacy of Greyleaf” as a novel and I am currently learning Unreal Engine 5 and beginning to make the game in that. If anyone is interested in joining the project and helping out at a beginner level for Unreal Engine 5,add me on Discord: raincl0ud#1353
